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New Year's Resolutions with Your Pets

The new year is a great time to set some resolutions for the year ahead, but you don't have to set them alone! Set resolutions with your pet! 1. Exercise Set a resolution to do 20-30 minutes of exercise per day with your pet! This will be great for both of you! 2. New tricks Set goals to work with your pet to accomplish training techniques. Maybe it's to work on barking less or even just sitting! It doesn't matter where you're starting, the important thing is to set goals to accomplish together! 3. Make a new friend Making new friends is always fun! Whether it's a new friend for your pup or a new friend for both of you...

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Winter Activities with Pets

Don't let colder weather get you down! Just because Jack Frost is nipping at your nose doesn't mean there isn't plenty for you and your pet to enjoy! If you're heading outside, don't worry about your pets too much, their fur allows them to enjoy the colder weather for short periods of time - although this may vary per pet. Please be sure that your pet has proper ID tags to avoid getting lost.

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Danger Foods For Pets to Avoid During Thanksgiving

Let's be honest, it can already be a struggle to make sure certain foods aren't in reach of your dog. Add the holiday rush, visiting relatives, trying to not burn dinner and before you know it you turn around and your dog is just finishing off that plate of appetizers, only problem is they weren't meant for him.

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Puppy Party Planning Tips

Of course this goes without saying, but birthday parties aren't just for humans anymore! Puppy party planning is all the rage - and it's a great opportunity to get friends and fur babies together to celebrate!

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