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Summer Pet Tips

We all love spending those long summer days outdoors with our pets. Let’s face it, they’re our furry companions and wherever we go, they go too.  Keep in mind that like humans, not every pet can stand the heat. Where I come from down in Atlanta, Georgia during the summer, the mornings are hot, the nights are hotter, and the days are the hottest. With record summer temperatures occurring across the country, follow these tips to keep you and your pet safe, happy, and healthy. First, at the beginning of the summer take your pet for a check-up at the local veterinarian. Make sure your pet gets tested thoroughly for issues such as heartworm or other parasites that harm the...

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5 Ways to Celebrate National Pet Month

It's gonna be May... sorry! Had to!  Happy month of May, which of course means only one thing, it's National Pet Month! The best month there is IMO (in my opinion). Of course everyone loves their pets every single day, but why not have an extra month to celebrate, right? Here are just a few ways we thought of to celebrate! 1. Photoshoots Whether you take the pictures yourself or hire someone, use May as an opportunity to capture your furry loved one! 2. Training Take some time to teach your bestie some new tricks! YouTube has some awesome resources dedicated to pet training. Make sure you stock up on Elm Pet Foods treats before you do! ;)  3. Road...

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Tips for Washing Your Pet

No matter what type of pets you have – cats, dogs, hamsters, guinea pigs, turtles, etc. – regular baths can be a healthy part of their care, but baths should be given gently to be sure they aren't hurting pets more than helping them. Bath Frequency Not all pets need the same number of baths, and depending on the species and its living conditions, some pets may never need intense bathing. Pets with allergies or more delicate skin may do best with fewer baths, while pets that get dirtier more frequently may need more baths. Pet owners must recognize that every pet, however, will have its own distinct odor and may shed skin or fur regularly – these are not...

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Giving Your Pet the Best Possible Care

A pet can quickly become a valued member of the family, and they deserve the best care their owners can provide. Good care can lead to a long, healthy life, lower vet bills and a happier pet that has a stronger bond with its owner and family, and it's easier than many owners realize to provide the very best care for their pet. Food: A healthy, nutritious diet is the key to a healthy life for your pet. Choose the proper food for their age, size and activity level, as well as any special dietary needs your pet may have. Offering a variety of foods can help keep their diet balanced, and good food helps promote good dental health as well....

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Head Outdoors with Your Pets

The first day of spring has officially come and gone - and if you're outside looks anything like ours, spring has yet to officially arrive! Nevertheless, we have rounded up some fun spring activities for you to enjoy with your pets once warmer weather (finally) arrives! 1. Introduce a Workout Routine Warmer weather can be great motivation to get in shape, but don't leave your pet out! Taking your dog for walks or jogs can be a great form of exercise for both of you! Exercise can also be a great way for pets to release some energy before being left home for a few hours at a time.  Looking to mix it up? Consider trying out a new hike...

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