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Flea & Tick Prevention For Pets

Is your pet starting to scratch a lot? Do they seem bothered or irritated for unknown reasons? Chances are during this time of the year; your pet has encountered fleas or ticks.  During the peak months of summer, fleas and ticks are at full strength and can be a major threat to humans and their pets. The purpose of this article is to provide you with some advice on flea and tick prevention for pets. Fleas and ticks can do more than just make your pet itch. They can also make your pet quite ill. When flea infestations get heavy in your pets, the accumulations develop grayish larvae. Furthermore white eggs give dogs a salt and pepper appearance that makes...

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Healthy Dental Practices for Pets

February has been declared Pet Dental Month --and for good reason. The most common disease seen by veterinarians is dental disease. In fact, 75-85% of pets over the age of 2 have dental disease of some form. You’re probably thinking: Great, I don’t like going to the dentist, I can only imagine how my pet feels about it! The truth is, the same philosophy that applies to you and your family also applies to your pets when it comes to dental care. Below, we’ll discuss the importance of healthy dental practices for your pets and what you should do to ensure they have a comfortable and long, healthy life. Poor dental habits for your pet can lead to a number of health...

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Winter Pet Dangers

Pets face many unique dangers during the coldest months, but savvy pet owners can take steps to keep their dogs, cats and other pets safe and comfortable no matter how low the temperature goes. Top 5 Dangers to Pets in Winter – And How to Keep Pets Safe The exact dangers pets face vary depending on seasonal conditions and pets' individual tolerances, but understanding these common dangers can help every pet owner avoid unnecessary risks to their beloved pets. Frostbite and Hypothermia As temperatures fall, pets are at risk of lowered body temperatures, cardiac arrest, freezing tissues and other problems associated with frostbite and hypothermia. Even indoor pets are subject to these risks if they are allowed outside for walks...

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Pet Dangers During the Holiday Season

The holiday season is a stressful, hectic time, but it can also be a downright dangerous season for pets. Being aware of the hidden dangers that lurk in everything from holiday food and decorations to family visits is essential for all pet owners to safeguard their furred, feathered and scaled family members. Top 10 Holiday Dangers to Pets – And How to Keep Safe Many holiday things we enjoy – special foods and feasts, enchanting decorations, twinkling lights, gifts, visits from family and friends – can actually be dangerous to pets. Fortunately, avoiding these dangers is easy once we understand the potential risks. Poisonous Foods Delicious treats are part of any holiday. Not only do we often have special treats...

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